Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kid N Ewe this is crazy..I start a new blog & then don't gets too busy I guess..I have done a lot of spinning and knitting and have 2 new shawl patterns in the works...I am also going to be doing the fiber show "Kid N Ewe & Lamas too" in November in Bourne, Texas. I will be teaching a class on beginning Needle Felting at the show as well. You can see more information about the show at ;Kid N Ewe
More soon, I hope...


  1. Looking forward to seeing all the vendors at KnE! Surprised to find you so close to me-- I live on the next street, Encino Bonito!

    1. Be sure and introduce yourself! I will be in building #1

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was so nice spending time with you this past weekend at Kid n' Ewe. Made this event so very special. Love our new tri-loom and just made my first piece on it, but oops, it fell apart at the bottom point when I took it off the loom. Guess I need more lessons, huh. Will send pics of the next piece I do. Huggs!!
